Welcome to an honest study based on biblical doctrine


God created human beings in His own image and after His own likeness, Genesis 1:26, thus, man has an eternal soul. We learn from the story Jesus told in Luke 16:19-31, that the rich man and Lazarus continued to experience joy and sorrow, and pleasure and pain, even after they died and their physical bodies were buried. We also learn from John 3:16-18 and 1 John 4:9, that God loves all people and wants to save each one of us. He has prepared and revealed His plan by which He will save us if we will only learn what it is and obey it. These short videos are lessons that explain God’s Plan To Save Man. Use some of the time God gives you now, to investigate His plan to see if you might want to take advantage of it. If you would like to speak with me about any of these lessons, please send an email to jimmycford@aol.com and I will do my best to get back to you.

As early as Genesis man’s sin has caused a separation between him and God.

This study was developed for individuals who would like the opportunity to open their own bible and follow along with a study of thoughts from inspired writers. The creator of these videos share only scripture as a basis for learning Gods desire for us. These are not opinions. These are plain to read instruction from Gods own prophets relating to the plan of salvation for man. Sin cannot dwell in the presence of God. God’s holy nature will not allow it. A parallel from a scientific example would be darkness cannot dwell in light.

The study is not denominational in nature

All points made in this series of lessons are supported by the text of the Bible.

Key studies are shared to prepare you logically

Key studies are shared to lead you in a logical way from the beginning to the end to teach you how to discover from the Bible, God’s plan to save your soul.

The study is designed to be understood by a sixth grader

It has been our experience that a 12 year old has the ability to understand the essentials of what God wants them to know.

Questions are welcome

If you have any questions please email me at my AOL account, and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. jimmycford@aol.com

The bible has characteristics within to prove it is an inspired and divine text like no other

Evidence is presented to show the Bible contains information which proves it is the only book that is inspired by God.

Several videos are devoted to show that God’s scriptures prove themselves to be true and how the Bible is the greatest collection of books ever assembled.

An honest, open-minded, and unbiased approach is necessary.

This course was not assembled to bash any religion. It will only showcase how God has laid how He wishes to be worshiped. Pre-conceived ideas and bias hinders one’s understanding. So, try to approach the information presented with an honest and open mind. Give the evidence presented an honest evaluation.

Other studies are also available here

As this site develops one will be able to find articles and videos for other studies created by Jimmy Ford for deeper studies of God’s word.

Studies on New Testament Books

  • You can find notes and comments for various bible books.
  • Years of textual study in English, Greek, Hebrew, and Romanian Bibles have aided in giving good, reliable exegesis of God’s revelations.
  • If one will study with a good heart and the desire to learn the truth, Jesus says, it will be found, Luke 11:10. Discovery of truth can change one for the better.

Other works for Christians